
A bowl of porotos granados stew with potatoes next to a traditional Chilean salad.
Poroto is the Chilean word for bean.

Porotos Granados

Porotos granados is the Chilean word for freshly harvested beans, this dish is traditionally served in summer because it was when the corn (choclo from quechua choccllo) and summer pumpkins (zapallo from quechua sapallu) are harvested.



Leave the beans in water over night to soften them, the next morning throw out the water (use that water to water your plants, bean water is a great fertilizer) and rinse them, then leave them in a dark place. Do not add more water.

When ready to cook, dice the onions and the garlic and add the olive oil to the pot. First add the onions and when they start to turn transparent add the garlic.

Before the garlic burns add the broth and the beans to the pot. If you are lucky some of the will have started to germinate already, this is when seeds are most nutritious.

Cut the pumpkin and carrots to chunks and add them to the pot.

Add salt and taste the broth to make sure you got it right.

When it starts to boil, turn the fire to low, cover the pot and wait 30-40 minutes until the beans are ready.

After the wait add more water to compensate for evaporation and the oregano, the cumin and pepper, and wait another 5 minutes.

Next, turn off the fire completely and add the basil leaves, whole or chopped.

Serve hot, there should be enough for 4 stew lovers. This is a great dish to serve along with Chilean salad.