It is strange that out of dozens of fish stews Brudet stands out with such consistency.
A frish stew from Dalmatia. See the recipe.
Caponata is a wonderful apetizer that can be eaten warm or cold depending on the weather.
A Sicilian side dish made of stewed vegetables. See the recipe.
Gumbo is not only a stew, but also a symbol, with ingredients of different origins in harmony together.
A stew of African, Caribbean, Choctaw, French, German, and Spanish influence. See the recipe.
Chupe de Mariscos is a wonderful Chilean recipe involving bread crumbs, milk and seafood.
A seafood stew from Chile. See the recipe.
Bouillabaisse is most and foremost a peasant stew, so it can be made on the cheap if you happen to live near the sea.
A delicious stew from Marseille, that combines fennel and several shellfish for flavour and originality. See the recipe.
Kimchi has a very unique taste; the stew you can make with it doubly so.
Made with fermented napa cabage (kimchi) as a main ingredient, this is a delicious stew from Korea. See the recipe.
Rancho could be a meta-stew as it uses elements from leftover cozido.
Rancho "à moda Portuguesa" is the resulting stew of Cozido. So in a way it is a stew of stews. See the recipe.
Ciambotta or giambotta is a vegetable minestre, a stew-like concoction from southern Italy.
A southern Italian vegetable dish, great as a side dish with polenta. See the recipe.
Dublin Coddle, or just Coddle, is a heart warming stew for cold damp days.
An Irish stew mostly based on pork and potatoes. See the recipe.
Coq au vin, or rooster cooked in wine is a easy and delicious stew anyone can make.
A French poultry stew based on red wine and fine herbs. See the recipe.